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  • Key worker info

    Sun 22 Mar 2020 Mrs Moffett

                                                      ⚠️ Important announcement ⚠️


    Dear Parents and Guardians,

    In this unprecedented time I have compiled some further information regarding school provision for Key Workers. The statement by the First Minister regarding ONE KEY ADULT in a family is guidance and NOT statutory, dependent on numbers schools will apply the TWO KEY ADULT directive.

    Social distancing will mean children will have to be kept 2m apart at desks in classrooms, thus limiting the number of children we can accommodate dependent on the staff we have available - many staff are already self isolating following medical advice. Please know, that staff will also need to be 2m from every child in order to keep themselves and their families safe from infection. You will know that this will be incredibly difficult in this situation.


    If the ratio of staff to pupils decreases, a call will be made to close the school and parents will be informed immediately. If the Principal and Vice Principal are unable to be in school, a call will be made to close the school and parents will be informed immediately.


    As the Law states, children of 14 and older are legally allowed to babysit younger siblings, if this applies to you please avail of this option.


    I am writing this post as I want you to realise how difficult this situation is, and to only request a place if ALL other options have been exhausted. I have every respect for our front line services, and the job they do in so very difficult situations, but I also have a duty of care to my staff, who I feel are also front line workers. As inevitably numbers of staff available dwindle, new arrangements will have to be put in place.

    Staff are continuing to be asked to come into school without adequate protective equipment, the least we could expect, but no provision has been made by the authorities as yet. This concerns me greatly. Many of our applications have come from families who are not blue light or hospital staff - I would implore you, in the interests of our school community and beyond, to enquire about working from home, swapping shifts with colleagues who do not have child care issues etc - I will repeat, the safest place for your child is at home, and schools should be your last option when everything else is exhausted.


    I hope you understand that I have a responsibility to make sure you know the situation for all involved. 

    With kind regards and a prayer for everyone's safe keeping,

    Mrs Moffett

  • Latest update

    Wed 18 Mar 2020

    Sorry for yet another long post...!

    We have been trying to keep a calm and measured approach to the current situation. We have a duty of care for all pupils and the wider school community and so are trying to stay open as long as we can manage, as per guidance and also to allow parents to get the necessary measures in place for their families.

    For any child who is off this week, we have bundled up work they have missed and it is available to collect from the school foyer. ...

    As soon as we are informed that we need to close, we will send out work packs. These will come with cover guidance as to how to complete them and will initially be sent out in 2 week blocks. Hopefully it will all be clear when you read it and will keep your children busy!

    I have also asked staff to ensure that all books and belongings will be sent home at that stage. If we are back by the end of the year then we can ask for some items to come back in. I think it's better to be thinking long term and then be delighted if that is not the case.

    We will keep parents posted via texts and Facebook. Keep checking the year group page on the website also.

    As you can imagine, our phone calls and emails have been plentiful! Please try and keep these lines of contact clear for emergencies.

    We have been working with limited staff for a few days as many have caring responsibilites and medical conditions of their own.

    On behalf of myself and our staff I would like to thank you for your unwavering support and understanding throughout this very difficult time. Thank you for all your comments, likes and messages of support - chocolate and coffee are our weapons of choice this week!

    We do not know what lies ahead but what we do know is that Victoria has shown itself to be a family that has rallied round in times of need to support one another - I’m privileged to lead such a great school.

    Faithe Moffett

  • Joint statement from Ards Principals

    Mon 16 Mar 2020
    Dear Parents/Guardians,
    This morning the Primary School Principals in the Ards and Comber Area met to discuss the current situation regarding the COVID 19 pandemic. We wished to collaborate and support one another in these unprecedented times and to ensure that we are being forward thinking where the inevitable school closures are concerned.
    The Minister of Education sent a letter to all schools today saying firstly: “It appears likely that at some point in the future I will have to close schools based on the approach I have outlined above.”
    As you can see from the above extract from the letter, schools do not yet have a firm date for this impending closure.
    The Minister continued and in accompanying advice he asked that: “All schools should be preparing a work schedule for their pupils in the event of a school closure”.
    In order to allow staff to undertake this task, most schools will be bringing forward a planned school development day from later in the academic year to this week. As we are already closed tomorrow for our development day, this will not impact Victoria. However, our final development day on 26 May might need to be brought forward, but I will give you as much notice of this as possible if we decide to do this.
    During this day, teaching staff will be planning for the school’s closure and how best to support the pupils and parents during an enforced break from school. This support will have a number of aspects to it and each school will communicate this to parents through their preferred communication tools.
    We, as a school community, will continue to work together to serve the best interests of each child and their family in our schools.
    Mrs Faithe Moffett
  • Coronavirus update

    Sun 15 Mar 2020

    ⚠️ Update re Coronavirus ⚠️

    Dear Parent/ Guardian,

    According to recent ministerial announcements, schools will close sometime in the future.

    As I said yesterday, we are working hard to take as many precautions as possible.

    To date:
    * There have been no positive cases reported to me.
    * No school staff have displayed symptoms as outlined by guidance.
    * Information from EA/DE received 6pm Friday stated schools should remain open until we are directed to do otherwise.


    However, as a precaution/in preparation:
    * There will be NO after school clubs this week to allow staff to prepare work for pupils in the event of closure.
    * Please remember there is a planned school closure on Tuesday 17th March.
    * Pupils displaying symptoms should NOT be sent to school.
    *Parents of pupils with underlying medical conditions should consider if they wish to send their child to school - a special code will be used to approve absence. 
    *Breakfast club and after school care will continue until notified.
    * There will be no swimming until further notice.

    Any updates will be communicated by text and on the school Facebook page. 

    Thank you for your understanding at this difficult and worrying time.

    Faithe Moffett

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