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Sports Ambassadors

Sports Ambassadors 2023/24


The Sports Ambassadors scheme is designed to build the leadership skills of young people and as a result they are empowered to take on the following roles:


  • Be the youth voice for PE and school sport in their school and community.
  • Promote the positive values of sport.
  • Be a role model and champion for PE and school sport.
  • Increase participation opportunities and healthy lifestyles for everyone.


This is open to Primary 7 pupils. They will be able to apply at the beginning of each new school year. 


What qualities do I need to become a Victoria Primary School Sports Ambassador?


  • Must be approachable and have a good relationship with all children.
  • A positive role model and a good attitude towards learning and playing sports.
  • Be a good team member.
  • Able to engage and inspire others.
  • Must be organised and be a good timekeeper.


What will I be expected to do as a Sports Ambassador?


1. Help promote a physical activity in school

2. Wear a special ambassador badge so they can be recognised around school

3. Organise competitions within school

4. Work with Miss Dorrian and other teachers to help with lunchtime games and manage equipment

5. Help encourage others to become involved in sports/ competitions

6. Have a role in Assemblies, this might be distributing certificates, announcing winners to competitions…

7. Work alongside Miss Dorrian and other class teachers to organise events such as Sport’s Day and sport relief days.

Sports Ambassadors


This year we are VERY excited to announce that we have a group of P6 and P7 children who are our Sports Ambassadors.


These children applied for the role by completing an application form to show and explain why they would be good Sports Ambassadors for the school.


The role includes:

  • Helping to promote physical activity throughout the school.
  • Organise competitions through out numerous year groups.
  • Work with Miss Dorrian and other teachers to help manage lunchtime equipment.
  • Have a key role in assemblies, this might be distributing certificates, announcing winners for certain games etc.
  • Attend a meeting once a month to discuss what we can do better in our school with P.E.


After applying for a position AND being interviewed by the Digital Leaders alongside Miss Dorrian we had 14 appointed Sports Ambassadors.

The reasoning behind creating a group of Sports Ambassadors is to maximise pupil learning by providing them with the opportunity to take more responsibility of their own and others learning through the use of physical education.

It is also aimed to establish a higher regard for the importance of physical education throughout the school.

As well as allowing pupils the opportunity to engage with pupils in other year groups, manage resources, demonstrate skills and share knowledge with others, it aims to help each child to develop leadership skills to equip them for P7 and their next school.


Miss Dorrian P.E. Co-ordinator



First meeting


From our first meeting the children decided they would like to promote 'ball skills' in P4.

They discussed how lots of the children in P4 were extremely keen to learn the key skills needed to play football.


The children decided to speak to the class teachers to see what they thought.

Then the children created an application form for P4 to complete to see if any of them would be interested in coming along to a Friday lunchtime club and EVERY SINGLE P4 ticked YES!


Sports Ambassadors then had to sit and create a way that each P4 could participate and decided to split them into four main groups, this means that each group of children will get 4 weeks working alongside the Sport Ambassadors to learn new games and skills.


The sports ambassadors then set up a rota of different activities that they would take as a rotation.


The feedback from both P4 children and parents has been fantastic :)


How lucky are we to have such ambitious children!

Minutes from first meeting as Sports Ambassadors

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