Home Page

Useful Information

Schools Out NI - After school care at Victoria Primary

Concussion - letter to parents

Dinner Menu - Aug - Dec 2023

Signature Works Summer Discount

Holidays 2023-2024

Dinner Menu 20 Mar 2023 - June 2023

Dinner Menu Jan - Feb 2023

Family Photo Night - call school to book a slot

School photos 8 & 9 November - you must register if you want your child's photo taken - instructions below.

Dinner Menu - Sept 22 - Dec 22

Siblings & P1 Class Photos - Friday 10 June 2022

P7 Photos - Friday 10 June 2022

Would you be interested in fostering?

Breakfast club information

Online payment information

Please have a look at the Board of Governors' Annual Report for 2018/19

Do you have a concern about a child's safety or a child protection matter?

In school you can speak to our specially trained staff for Child Protection.

The Designated Teacher is Mrs Reid in P6 and the Deputy Designated Teachers are Mrs Martindale, Miss Jellie and Mr McCoy. 

Fair Processing Notice 


​Your child, as part of their education at Victoria Primary School, will have access to a range of electronic resources designed to enhance their learning experience and allow them to collaborate with their peers. In order to facilitate this, the school may need to share some limited personal information with the relevant Education Authority and the Department of Education. This will allow user accounts to be set up and managed, enabling services to be integrated. Any data sharing is kept to a minimum and when your child leaves school the information will be permanently deleted from such systems. At times, the school may also share personal information with the Education Authority to support the direct delivery of educational services. Examples include the EA's Special Education and Educational Psychology Services. All sharing will be conducted under the provision of the Data Protection Act 1998. If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact the Principal. 


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